To supplement a seasonal business and allow his wife to homeschool the kids, Richie created White Family Services. This business unites the diverse strengths of all 4 members of Richie's household to find solutions to your needs. We have minimal overhead and beaurocracy, enabling us to finish projects in the time it takes to get started with other tech businesses. Act now, and our labor rate is currently only $25/hour for the duration of your project.


Largemouth bass are subject to a 16- to 24-inch slot limit. Bass 16 inches and shorter and 24 inches and longer can be harvested with a daily bag limit of 5 fish, of which only 1 fish can be 24 inches or greater.
During the months of December, January and February, there is no minimum length limit on crappie. Daily bag is 25 in any combination of black and white crappie, and all crappie caught must be retained (culling is not permitted.). In other months, crappie are subject to a 10-inch minimum length limit and a daily bag of 25.
Statewide regulations apply to all other fishes.

Statewide Bag limits

Species Daily Bag Length (minimum)


5 (in any combination)


largemouth and smallmouth

14 inches

spotted and Guadalupe

No minimum

Bass, striped and hybrid

5 (in any combination)

18 inches

Bass, white


10 inches

Bass, yellow

No limit

No minimum

Catfish: channel and blue, their hybrids and subspecies

25 (in any combination)

12 inches

Catfish, flathead


18 inches

Crappie: white and black, their hybrids and subspecies

25 (in any combination)

10 inches


No harvest allowed




18 inches

Sunfish: various species including bluegill, redear, green, warmouth and longear

No limit

No minimum

Trout: rainbow and brown, their hybrids and subspecies

5 (in any combination)

No minimum


5 (only 2 can be less than 16 inches in length)

No minimum

**This information was obtained from the TPWD site ( on 12/5/05. Neither the site owner nor the information, as it is presented, is endorsed by the State or any state agency.

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