To supplement a seasonal business and allow his wife to homeschool the kids, Richie created White Family Services. This business unites the diverse strengths of all 4 members of Richie's household to find solutions to your needs. We have minimal overhead and beaurocracy, enabling us to finish projects in the time it takes to get started with other tech businesses. Act now, and our labor rate is currently only $25/hour for the duration of your project.


How to Book a Trip with Guide Richie White

There are several way to go about booking a fishing trip. The easiest method is the online booking program. There, you can see what days are available and immediately lock in a date, It is very reliable and gets first priority. Once you reserve a date, the system automatically blocks the date so that no one else can take it. You then have the option to pay your deposit online via PayPal, or you can send a check or money order through the mail.
You can be certain that if a day is available on the online system, then it will be available. However, it is possible that certain days could be blocked off even though they are available. For instance, I block off the prime of the spawn for repeat customers. So most of March and April will not be open to the public until I've given time for my repeats to book. If you desire one of those days, you must call or email to ask. There are other times that I may have blocked to avoid a conflict even though I could work in a trip. So, if I'm blocked when you want to go, it doesn't hurt to contact me and double check.
Most people like to talk to me via phone or email before reserving the trip. That is advisable if you want my recommendations. To do so, contact me (email is my preference) with the info to the right.

Here's the process I recommend

  1. Call or email me if you want my advice about your date (or any other questions).
  2. Book your date through the online booking system. This will send us both an automated reply.
  3. I email you a reply that will ask for a deposit and give you information about your trip (what to bring, motels, phone numbers, etc.).
  4. You pay your deposit (Paypal, check, or money order).
  5. I send you a confirmation email that explains when and where to meet, directions, etc.
  6. You confirm that you agree on the meeting place and time. It isn't required that you do this through my online system. But I recommend it if you are bringing a partner. That way I can have his/her name (and email & cell phone if you choose).
  7. We meet at the confirmed place and time and have a good trip.
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