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Lake Fork Characteristics (from TPWD site)

Location: On the Sabine River in Hopkins, Rains and Wood Counties, 5 miles northwest of Quitman
Surface area: 27,264 acres
Maximum depth: 70 feet
Impounded: 1980

Water Conditions

Conservation Pool Elevation: 403 ft. msl
Fluctuation: Moderate, 2-4 ft.
Normal Clarity: Moderately clear

Reservoir Controlling Authority

Sabine River Authority of Texas
Box 487
Quitman, TX 75783
(903) 878-2262

Aquatic Vegetation

Hydrilla, Eurasian milfoil, coontail, American lotus, water primrose, water hyacinth and pennywort

Predominant Fish Species

Largemouth bass
White & black crappie
Channel catfish

Fishing Cover/Structure

Flooded timber is found throughout Lake Fork and provides excellent fish habitat. Although access through the reservoir is provided by numerous buoyed boat lanes, submerged timber represents a substantial hazard, so care should be exercised while boating in all areas. Areas containing hydrilla, boat houses and docks, and lake points have historically provided some of the best fishing for largemouth bass.

**This information was obtained from the TPWD site ( on 12/5/05. Neither the site owner nor the information, as it is presented, is endorsed by the State or any state agency.

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