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Lake Fork Pipeline

Below is the information on the website. The pipeline was obviously in use in 2011, because the lake was 8 feet low by the end of the year.

Summarized from on 12/25/12

Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) is 80% complete on construction of a conveyance system to move water in Lake Fork Reservoir (LFR) to their Eastside Water Treatment Plant as part of the City of Dallas' contract agreement with the Sabine River Authority (SRA) signed in 1981. The City of Dallas, a principal financial partner in the LFR Project, has invested over $250,000,000 to date. The three party water supply agreement also includes Texas Utilities (TXU). TXU was SRA's original cooperating entity when work began on the Project in the mid-1970's.

Lake Fork Reservoir has a total capacity of 675,819 acre-feet with a dependable annual yield of 188,660 acre-feet. The dependable annual yield represents the estimated quantity of water that can be provided to customers during a recurrence of the drought of record (1952 - 1957). The SRA/Dallas/TXU agreement divides this yield with approximately 70% going to the City of Dallas. SRA's portion of the annual yield is totally committed to 14 different customers in the upper Sabine River Basin. It is important to note that the 188,660 acre-foot yield quantity divided between the three entities is only 28% of the total capacity of the reservoir.

The picture above shows installation of the first section of pipeline running seven miles beginning on the LFR end. The 108-inch diameter pipeline will intersect two existing pipelines (72 and 84 inch) on the west side of Lake Tawakoni, which are now used to convey water from the Tawakoni Reservoir to Dallas. Dallas officials estimate completion of the entire water conveyance system to be the fall of 2008.

The SRA and all their LFR water customers including DWU are aware of concerns related to future water use and their effects on the water levels in the reservoir pool. Based on current population projections, Texans will require more water in the future and the LFR was built specifically to supply some of these additional demands for water. Together DWU, TXU and the SRA water customers have covered the cost of providing this important water resource for the northeast Texas area. The recreational uses of Lake Fork Reservoir are a secondary benefit.

The impact of water use on the reservoir elevation is very hard to predict. DWU has multiple reservoir sources at their disposal and would need less of the higher cost LFR water in rainfall years when other reservoirs can adequately supply their system. From an overall water availability perspective, there is no scenario other than a recurrence of the drought of record that is likely to produce a significant long-term impact to the LFR fishery.

For more information contact Butch Choate, SRA Upper Basin Regional Manager at: (903) 878-2262

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